Eco products should be everywhere

Increase your revenue by listing your products online on the places where your customers already are, and get featured on leading sustainability media and platforms.

Sign up
Join 200+ sustainable brands and shops
Reach millions of shoppers

Increase your audience in one click

Sustainable products should be easy to find for consumers. We automatically list your products on Project Cece and partner platofrms without any hassle or custom agreements.

Get your products listed..

on Project Cece and Ecosia Shopping sustainable product recommendations

in front of an audience that is actively looking for more sustainable products

Be part of a sustainable network

Create partnerships that matter

Drive revenue by running effective affiliate marketing campaigns with high-quality partners.  Easily find and collaborate with partners in your target market and get found by journalists for key pieces.

Access a network of high-quality affiliates

Add your own affiliates through an easy signup

Get found by journalists for key (niche/target) pieces

Easily expand to new markets

get sustainability verified

Build brand credibility

Partnering with us lends credibility to your brand as a verified ethical (fashion) retailer.

Become an approved partner after our Impact Analysis

Showcase any industry certifications or recognitions your brand has earned for its sustainable practices

Pricing that’s just right

Applying is always free. If your brand/shop fullfills the sustainability criteria, it is  accepted to the ecosystem and you can choose your plan.


Get  your products listed on Project Cece and run up to 1 additional affiliate collaboration with no fixed monthly costs.
  • Products listed on Project Cece and partner platforms
  • Social media promotion at start collaboration
  • 1 additional affiliate collaboration
€199 ,- one time
One time fee. No monthly/yearly fees. The commission is 15% for orders through Project Cece and adjustable for other affiliates you work with.
Get Started
No payment details required


Automatically get your products boosted on Project Cece and start unlimited affiliate collaborations. Unlock the power of an affiliate marketing program at an affordable price.
  • Products boosted on Project Cece and partner platforms
  • Social media promotion
  • Unlimited affiliate collaborations
= €32,50 p/m on annual plan or €37,50 p/m on monthly plan. Both are currently reduced prices (by 50%) from the standard rate.
No setup fee. The commission is 15% for orders through Project Cece and adjustable for other affiliates you work with.
Get Started
No payment details required

Our sustainability standards

Fair production

Employees in the whole supply chain should work under fair, safe and hygienic working conditions. People should always be more important than profit.

Environmentally friendly

Sustainability is a spectrum, and an ever changing playing field. This is why we ask of our partners to always keep improving, and to create products with a minimum impact on the planet.


Transparancy is essential to us. We want to know what happens in every step of the supply chain.

Willing to keep improving

Doing everything perfect from the start is almost impossible, and we don’t require that. We do require a learning mindset and the willingness to keep improving.


Any questions?

Find answers to common questions here. Something missing? Get in touch with us!

How do I integrate my products onto the Project Cece platform?

Begin by creating your account on Impactbytes. No immediate payment is required until your account is approved and you're fully set up on Project Cece!

Once you are approved, it is easy to integrate with various e-commerce platforms, including Shopify, WooCommerce/WordPress, Squarespace, custom websites, and more.

What is the commission structure for affiliate sales?

For orders made via Project Cece, the commission is 15% of the net order value for brands and  10% of the net order value for marketplaces.

For orders through other Impactbytes affiliates (excluding Project Cece), you have the flexibility to set the commission percentage. Keep in mind that there is an additional fee of 30% of the chosen publisher commision percentage for Impactbytes.  Example Scenario: Let's say you set the publisher commission at 10%. In this case: 10% goes to the publisher. An additional 3% (30% of the 10% commission) is paid to Impactbytes.

Important Note:
You are not charged for orders that are returned.

Is there a contract or commitment period for a partnership?

Basic Plan: There is no commitment period for the Basic plan. You make a one-time payment, and we will promote your brand indefinitely on our platform.

Unlimited Plan:
With the Unlimited plan, there is a commitment period of 6 months, and there is no initial fee. After this initial period, if you decide to cancel the Unlimited plan, you have the option to switch to the Basic plan without incurring any additional costs. Rest assured, even in the Basic plan, we will continue to promote your brand indefinitely.

Terms and Conditions:
Regardless of the plan you choose, we ask all partners to agree to our standard terms and conditions to ensure a mutually beneficial partnership.

How will my brand be promoted to Project Cece's audience?

Initial Buzz and Social Media Shout-Out: At the start of our partnership, we kick things off by creating a buzz and giving your brand a shout-out through Project Cece's vibrant social media channels.

Continuous Promotion Through Blogs and Social Media:
We believe in consistent promotion. As a partner, your brand can be featured in our blogs and highlighted in our social media news updates. Plus, you have the opportunity to keep us updated about any exciting news related to your brand through a quick and easy form.

Exclusive Promotion Options for Partners: We provide numerous additional promotion and boost options that are exclusively available to our partners. These options are designed to give your sustainable brand or webshop even more visibility and reach.

Ongoing Product Promotion:
Once you're a partner, we ensure that all your products are consistently promoted on Project Cece. We make sure they're easily discoverable by individuals searching for sustainable fashion products just like yours.

Can I show my products on Project Cece only for specific countries?

You're in control of which international audience gets to see your products. By selecting specific shipping zones, you can target the regions that align with your business strategy. This could be one country, a few regions, or the world!